However great 2019 may have's soon to be history..! There is a lot to look back to and be happy but better to live life on the edge. The future beckons and an opportunity to conquer a new frontier.
New Year, New Frontier |
In 2020, what does one need to get much better results that those of 2019? How can one be the Captain of their ship and master of their fate? How can one be in the driving seat as they face the realities of 2020?
A calm Sea never made a skilled Sailor |
No one can predict 2020 events with accuracy many things or events happen every year (planned or unplanned, good or bad, global, national or personal) and predicting with precision how things will unravel is extremely hard.
So much unknowns to mess up plans |
The Old Greek definition of happiness is the full use of one's powers a long lines of excellency. How do I maximise opportunities however few they may be? How much advantage does having a good grasp of the past, current and future Macro and Micro picture of my environment give me? How can I use this for happier returns...
Successful hunt...happy returns |
What knowledge and skills do I need to exploit the opportunities nature creates? What books do I need to read in 2020..? How do I improve my reading skills and habits..? Biographies, Fiction, Plays, Poems, Business books, Strategy do I strike the balance?
Reading brings us unknown friends |
How do I open up my mind to learn to play a guitar? Will my faith and persistence help me perfect my Spanish and learn French? I want to learn dancing Salsa, Improve my can I create more time to have so much fun?
I am still learning |
For the Universe, in 2020 how can I be a good ancestor who plants trees they may never see?
A good conscience my only sure reward |
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