Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Live and Let Live

And so when you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it... (Paulo Coelho). A very awesome new year to you all...
3 days to the end of January and all is great...I've resisted the temptation of imbibing alcohol... Now is time to set some more targets...#LordHelpMe...

1. No Beer January - January I won’t have a drop of beer. (#NoBeerJan)
Dearly missed...promise kept...

2. No junk February – Not allowed to eat any fast food. (#NoJunkFeb)

Building for the future
3. Walking March – Must walk every day for at least 30 minutes. (#WalkingMarch)

Tools of trade
4. Active April – Exercise for 30 minutes every day in April. (#ActiveApril)

5. Music May – Must not replay a song on my iPhone in April. (#MusicMay)
To the Rhythm...
6. Jogging June – Must jog a total of 8 km every week in June. (#JoggingJune)
Long run to health and Vitality

7. Picture July – Must take a picture every day in the month of July. (#PictureJuly)

8. Tie August – Must wear a tie to work every day in the month of August. (#WalkingAugust)

9. Writing September – Must write an article every day in the month of September. (#WritingSeptember)
from the soul

 10. Gift October – Must give out a tangible gift to a different person every day of October. (#GiftOctober)

Numero uno
11. Movember November – Must adhere to the tradition of November. (#MovemberNovember)

raising awareness of men's health issues
12. Singing December – Sing one different song every day in the month of December. (#SingingDecember)
How many roads most a man walk down

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