Walking through a fire and never losing track, facing storms of spears and prevailing in the hardest of games. I am not referring to some sort of humdrum life of an environmentalist in a global warming campaign but rather the awesome life of a born winner.
born winner
In life you’ll always meet opposition, if you’re bad, the good will oppose you and if you’re good the bad will oppose you. it’s called the law of gravity! The wisest thing to do is to find your natural position.
Natural Jose
Kampala like many cities has become cosmopolitan and an intense mind will in no doubt win a prize for either Literature or Mathematics or both. Here is how it will happen…in the year 2012.

foretelling 2012
Ladies and hot girls of Stockholm stand up for the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature winner, Mr. Riquelme RB…(and the bewildered lasses in Kampala wondering how elephants learned to fly). Here is the story you might have missed. All his sane life, Mr. Riquelme invested a lot in music lessons that helped him to get some groovy kind of rhythm to his words. In the wee hours of the night in the company of a distinguished resident of Butabika, he mastered the art of storytelling and this coupled with his legendary love for the beat made him an exceptional story teller. With the help of his friend Zwelinzima, he was able to write the bestselling book “Chasing leather while singing ballads”.
entertaining yangas
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal but not necessarily with the same level of intelligence, looks or swagger. Lori Greeley hide your Victoria secret models…because Solari is on leave. Well not because Solari is a prolific hunter but because his friend Ntshona Zwelinzima has discovered the Elixir for global warming and Solari is excited. Not that he had a Eureka moment running naked all over the room into the neighbors (he is too noble for that). Don’t dismiss this as crass and ignoble, because according to Zwelinzima, certain bodies emit more heat than others. This is common sense but since commonsense is not common but a less intimidating term for superior thinking. Zwelinzima argues that hot girls emit more heat than an average human being and provoke an increase in temperatures in their surroundings’ as well. Come to think of it, if a beautiful girl enters a room, then the pulse of all boys in the room will accelerate astronomically which will in turn increase the poor lads body temperatures and those of the environment. With your superior imagination…what would happen if 20 smoking hot girls were in one place at the same time.
how hot...need a Thermometer
Like I intimated earlier on, in life you will always meet opposition… and I am pretty sure that this compendium of knowledge will find opposition in many people minds… Let me introduce the elephant in this room, I am on a mission to teach you the art of tapping wisdom from the roots…am gone to Palms and Crocs for a sweating Windhoek.
Amigos at Palms and Crocs...here I come...
impressed, very innovative!
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