Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The 2012 Solari Awards

The things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good; that honour, courage and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil;…and that true love never dies. A man should believe in those things because those are the things worth believing in. (Quote from Second hand lions) 

It’s Randy Pausch who said that if there is an elephant in the room introduce them. I resolved to face my fears and never to take the easy way out and 2012 is one memorable one where every day is awesome. It’s made me realise that I am confident enough to face fear and that I am strong enough to press past setbacks. I am determined to enjoy every second of my life and I think I am on the right track since I learn something new every day and continue to improve. The Elephant is 2012, a monster of a year where it was not hailstorms but storms of spears. 2012 is fast fading and I am proud to be a better man than when it beckoned.  

A single lion can hunt well and a pride of lions hunt really very well. I pride myself as a lion and find my friend Riquelme a man of exceptional intellect, vision of an eagle; a sharp memory and lots of wits wins the gong again. The razzmatazz of 2012 can be attributed to the very trusted and reliable friend of mine. The only one, who has seen it from the beginning, knows all the moves used to spread awesomeness. We have invented where there was none, improvised when outsmarted, went back to the drawing board when the odds were against us and explored the extremes where only the greatest go. To set the records straight, the recipients of awesomeness were some of the hottest girls in Kampala. To the Wingman, you’ve helped me write an interesting chapter of my life, one that gives me great confidence to embrace 2013. To the previous generations of inventors, statesmen, Christians and geniuses, we will not let you down. You passed the baton on to us and with your spirit, courage and humility, we will make you proud. 


The Dove awards for 2012 (award for a girl who represents love and peace in 2012) belongs to a young lady who has impressed me with her intellect, poise, growing confidence and courage. She is one of those hot, witty, confident and innocent ones. She dared to dream and dared the dream. She was ambushed and yielded to the inexorable winds of awesomeness. She used to observe from afar but now talks and touches the aesthetic…I will use the Spanish code name Regio for you. 

Amigo Regio